The Ultimate Guide to Using SEO and UX for Lead Generation Optimization
And How Not to Kill the User Experience with Your SEO Strategy
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Gone are the days of cramming keywords into your content and sliding onto the first page of a Google search. SEO has changed. And though Google’s 200 ranking factors can be daunting, there’s no excuse for ignoring search engine optimization. In fact, it’s more important than ever — there are at least eight-billion searches a day on Google alone, and 75% of users don’t click past the first page of results. Here’s the good news: the most effective way to optimize your site and own the SERPs is no longer manipulating metadata; as Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller once put it, all you have to do is “make a good website that works well for users.” In other words, good UX equals good SEO. And good UX plus good SEO equals more, higher-quality leads.
Learn how to optimize both in this exclusive white paper.